Fly Season Apparel was created by Stoney C during the Summer of 2014. What started as a simple sketch idea has now evolved into a span of designs that everyone of every creed can appreciate. The Fly Season logo is a symbol for Fly people that get money. Everyone wants to be Fly in some way or another and Stoney C decided to make it easier for the people.
Motto: Every season of the year is considered "Fly Season" for those who take pride in jumping fly. Not just in the summer.
If you would like to join in on this Fly trend, then feel free to take a gander at the designs and find the right fit for you.
"Everyday, every month mayne it's Fly Season/ Rock a different type designer fit for No Reason//" -Stoney C/Stone of G-$quad.
**Once you purchase your Fly Season Apparel product and receive it, ALL SALES ARE FINAL! NO REFUNDS unless the product is defected or never arrives.**